The question is so often asked, that I thought I'd start our blog by answering it first.
Before Boo (what I'll call our son here on the blog) was even born, my husband and I toyed with the idea of homeschooling him. We hadn't made any real decision about it though until the summer he turned 5 and missed the cut-off to start kindergarten by two weeks. With no waivers, testing in or other options to start "formal" schooling, I started doing more at home with him, and the rest is history. At this point, we feel homeschooling will continue to be in his best interest, at least for the next few years.
We live in one of the easiest states to homeschool - Missouri. The state laws are reasonable, with a straight-forward guideline that allows the flexibility necessary to continuously "meet your child" where they are in their learning. For us that means a variety of curriculum across different grade levels, from second to fourth at this point. As Boo advances, so too does the material we use - we're not tied to a grade specific curriculum, but rather continue along where Boo is - one thing I love about homeschooling!
I'm hoping to be able to blog about our homeschool experience in Missouri, and our travels around the country this coming summer. I hope doing so leads others to understand what we do when we homeschool and why it's a great option to educate our children. It certainly isn't for everyone, but for us, it works - and works well!